Concert Ticket Information

Concert TicketsOne of the most common questions we get at HerrinFesta is “How do I buy tickets for the concerts?” so we’ll try our best to answer that now.

Quite simply, you don’t. With the exception of some events held in the Civic Center, there are no tickets sold for HerrinFesta shows. Most concerts are held on the Piazza Stage, located behind the Civic Center. To see these shows, you need only pay the daily admission fee into the Piazza. This is a one time per person, per day fee, so be sure to get your hand stamped when you leave the Piazza for free return entry for that day.

The entry fee for the Piazza for 2009 is $10 for adults. Children 12 and under get in free.

The piazza is an outdoor venue. Picnic tables are provided, and seating is first-come, first serve.

For more information about the Piazza, check out the Piazza page.